March 4, 2024
PLD News

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The 2024 CPD programme looks a little different from previous years. This year we are taking a thematic approach to our workshops.

Whereas previous programmes consisted of seminars with multiple presentations focused on specific job functions, this year we are exploring more thematic workshops. These are intended to attract a wider range of staff, including classroom teachers, to amplify the opportunities for networking and sharing.

We had feedback last year that stated “Great delivery from all presenters,” and for the same event, “the content was quite similar to last year’s seminar.” This is always the challenge; to make events informative and engaging but ensure we do not just repeat last year’s session.

So, in the first half of the year, we have a session on 8 April in Christchurch on Neurodiversity and Behaviour, co-sponsored by Komodo and being delivered, in large part by Rebecca Elias, Founder and Principal of Summit Point School. Summit Point School caters for children and adolescents with specific learning differences, such as dyslexia, 2e, APD, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and anxiety. Summit Point’s unique approach to education combines internationally recognised research-based practices with a unique forward-thinking curriculum, empowering students to discover their authentic self, what they truly enjoy, and best of all – what they are good at.

A session in Auckland on 20 May focusses on Rainbow Identities and the social and cultural challenges represented by challenging options of sexuality and gender. On July 5 we will be in Wellington for a session on Future Curriculum, where we anticipate having a plurality of voices sharing good practice and lessons learnt.

There are also two leadership events. The traditional Heads Forum, for Principals, will be held in Auckland on 3 May.

We are also excited to be in a partnership with EDGE, comprising former colleagues of QELI that will be familiar to many of you. This is a joint programme aimed at Future Leaders. The course commences with GENOS 360 survey, and is followed by three full-day workshops that will explore the concepts of Leading Self and Others, Influence and Key Conversations. Participants will complete an in-school Leadership Challenge, and participate in virtual check-ins and webinars during the interim. The first two days will be held in Auckland, hosted by Diocesan School for Girls. The last day will be on 29 August (the day before the annual conference) and be in Christchurch, hosted by St Margaret’s College.

Some workshops are open to non-members so there are different prices for members. Members should ensure that they have been added to their school site on the ISNZ website, to see the discounted prices.

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